SAZ Certification Services is accredited to ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 for its ZWS ISO 9001 (QMS), ZWS ISO 14001 (EMS), ZWS ISO 45001 (OHSMS), ZWS ISO 22000 (FSMS) and ZWS 749 (HACCP) certification schemes. The accreditation body is the Southern African Development Community Accreditation Services (SADCAS). ISO defines accreditation as “the formal recognition by an independent body, generally known as an accreditation body, that a certification body operates according to international standards.” Therefore SAZ Certification Services is internationally recognized by an independent party that they have the competence to offer certification services and are objective when offering the service.

QMS has been accredited since 1999, EMS since 2001 and OHSMS accreditation in September 2015. This is a notable achievement in line with SAZ strategy to increase the accreditation scope for its certification services. In this regard accreditation was granted to SAZ Certification services for ISO 22000 (FSMS) and ZWS 749 (HACCP) in 2021. Recommendation for continued accreditation has been granted to SAZ at each assessment with continued accreditation being granted in 2022 after the 5 year reassessment.

SAZ certification is proud of this great achievement and also takes pride in its certified and potential clients which play a pivotal role in the maintenance of accreditation. As accreditation centres on competence , SAZ Certification is committed and continually improves its quality management system based on ZWS ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 to ensure that competences of all personnel involved in the certification activities meet requirements.

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